Professional Ethics Principles
TKD Professional Ethics Principles determine guide lines that employees must follow such as rules, norms, and behaviours in information services. The principles guide and help employees on their responsibilities. The employees who work in the information services field should observe the followings:
1. They defend the information retrieval right that appears in the TKD Freedom of Expression Declaration for each individual of the society in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other universal agreements and try to meet the requirements.
2. They defend the freedom of expression and object to censorship directed to works of art and thought.
3. They treat the users equally without discrimination.
4. They make an effort to develop and apply the professional policies and standards.
5. They perform their duties by offering accurate and sufficient information.
6. They respect and protect copyrights.
7. They guarantee the privacy of library users and do not share information regarding research requests or books borrowed except when legally.
8. They refrain from speech or actions that would be damaging to any occupational group or information centre.
9. They do not use their professional position to gain personal advantage.
10. They perform their duties in a spirit of professional collaboration and cooperation.
11. The librarian is aware of the need for continuing professional development and can demonstrate such development in service to library.
12. They are fair and honest in their professional administrative relationships.
*This principles of professional ethics were established in 1996 and revised and accepted 2 April 2010.